Inviting new users to share your Telemetry2U account
This example demonstrates adding a new user to Telemetry2U, configuring their access controls, restricting their node access and adding them to an alert group.
This example will walk through the process of creating a new user on Telemetry2 and inviting them to an existing Telemetry2U account. The new user’ access and privileges will be configured as standard user, without the ability to invite users themselves or modify critical settings such a alerts or node and gateway configurations. We will restrict which nodes the new user has access to as well as add them to an alert notification group so that they receive Email, SMS and voice alerts.
It is possible for company administrators to configure any additional user accounts with any combination of options.
- A Telemetry2U account running on a free trial or a paid subscription. Refer to the T2U Quick Guide to help get up and running.
- Company Administrator access on your Telemetry2U account. If you don’t have Company Administrator, you’ll first need to contact your company administrator and request that they grant access.
Creating and inviting the new user
Firstly, log into Telemetry2U and navigate to Admin >> User Maintenance and click the Create New link in the top left corner of the page. You’ll be taken straight to the user configuration page. Enter the following user information at a minimum.
- User Login E-mail
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date/Time Format
- Time Zone
The phone numbers must be entered in international format (+61xxxxxxxxx).
The rest of the fields are optional.
Once complete, hit the Create button at the bottom of the page. You will be taken back to the main User Maintenance page where you should see the new user in the list with a note indicating that an invitation has been sent to their email.
The new user should receive an email like the example below.
The email is usually received straight away but can take up to 30 minutes depending on the email server/client settings.
The email contents will be similar to below
Dear Joe,
You have received an invitation from John Boss to sign-up to Telemetry2U on behalf of the company Demo Company. To accept this invitation please click on the following link:
Once the invitation has been accepted and you have selected a password you will have immediate access to the system.
We look forward to seeing you soon,
The Telemetry2U Team.
The new user must click the link in the email. They’ll be taken to a Telemetry2U page where they must enter and confirm a password.
Passwords must contain an uppercase character, lowercase character, a digit, a non-alphanumeric character and be at least six characters long.
Click the Set Password button when complete. The new user will automatically log into Telemetry2U and be taken to the Reports page. They will not be able to see anything at this stage as their User Access must be configured by the company administrator first.
Configuring the New Users Access and Controls
As a company administrator, you’re able to assign any level of access that’s available on your own account giving you complete control over all other users. This can all be done under the User Control section. In this example, we’ll only configure the new user(Joe Bloggs) with restrictions on the more crucial settings, basically the ability to Add Annotations to alerts and check the gateway status. We’ll also manually set the node access so that only the Temperature/Humidity sensors can be viewed with no access granted for the I/O Controllers.
Back on the main User Maintenance page where you can see the list of all users, click User Control link found on the right side of the page for the newly added user.
You’ll be taken directly to the User Control Configuration page where you can assign the roles and Node Access. Firstly, under the User Roles section, check the Add Annotations box as well as the View Gateway Status box.
You can read more about the functions of the individual User Roles and Node Access here. They will not be covered I this bulletin.
Under the Node Description at the bottom of the page, select which nodes you would like to. In this example, we assign access to the Temperature/ Humidity Sensors only.
Click the Save button when complete
Adding the new user to a notification group(s)
Navigate to Admin >> Notification Groups and click on the notification group you wish to add the new user too. In this example, we will configure the new user (Joe Bloggs) to receive Email, SMS, and voice call alerts 24/7. Joe will be the second person in the priority list to receive the voice call. An example notification group configuration is given below
Be sure to click the Save button when complete.
Sharing Dashboards with the new user
In this example, we have not given the new user access to create and edit dashboards. For them to have access to at least view dashboards, the company administrator (or any other user with the Edit Dashboards control set under User Controls) must set what ever dashboard they want to give the new user access to by checking the Company Wide box in the Dashboard controls in the top menu.
This completes the process. In this example, the new user will be able to log in and see your shared dashboard and the data for the selected nodes on both the Charts and Reports page. They will be able to download audit reports but not create them. The new user should receive Email, SMS and Voice Call Alerts and have the ability to add annotations to any alert events.
It is possible to modify any users access control at any time by navigating back to Admin >> User Maintenance and clicking on the User Control link for the user of interest.
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