Quick Guide

Telemetry2U offers a feature packed, all inclusive IoT platform that is designed for ease of use - you should be up an running within the hour!

Configure your account any way you choose, but we recommend following the steps outlined below if you're just getting started. You may be able to skip a few steps, depending on your requirements.

gateway and Network Integration

Step 1.

Configure a LoRaWAN gateway and add it to Telemetry2U

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Access to the LoRaWAN gateway to configure its settings. Refer to the gateways user manual for more information on how to do this.
  2. Your Gateway ID - sometimes referred to as the Gateway EUI. This can usually be found on the label or in the gateway settings.

Connect to the LoRaWAN gateway and configure the Frequency Plan depending on your region (AU915 for Australia, EU868 for Europe, etc.). Refer to the table to determine which unique Server Address and Uplink / Downlink Ports the gateway should use for each frequency plan. If using AU915 or US915 frequency plans, use Sub-Band 2.

Once the gateway has been configured, navigate to the Gateway Maintenance page on Telemetry2U and add a new gateway. Make sure to enter the 8-Byte hex Gateway ID correctly and select the same Frequency Plan configured in the gateway.

When complete, confirm that the gateway is online and connected to Telemetry2U on the Gateway Status page.

Example Page
Gateway Maintenance Example Page
gateway and Network Integration

Step 2.

Configure Nodes/End-Devices and add them to Telemetry2U

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Ability to connect to the devices and configure settings.
  2. The DeviceEUI and Application Key for each device

Devices must use the same Frequency Plan (and Sub-Band) as the gateway. Depending on the default settings, it may be necessary to connect to the device to configure it manually. Refer to the device user manual for details.

Once configured, navigate to the Node Maintenance page on Telemetry2U and add a new node. Select the same Frequency Plan and Device Class as the device and enter the 8-Byte hex DeviceEUI and 16-Byte hex Application Key, often be found on the node, packaging or in the settings device. Use Telemetry2U as the Network Provider (LoRaWAN devices) and select the unique Device Configuration for the device type being used.

If adding a device that is not in the device configuration list, please Contact Us and we will add it. Alternatively, add Custom Devices yourself.

Example Page
Gateway node Example Page
gateway and Network Integration

Step 3.

Inviting additional users to your account

Minimum Requirements:
  1. The e-mail address, first name, last name, and phone numbers for the user(s) you want to invite.

Add additional users to your account in the User Maintenance section. There is no limit to how many users you can add. When you add a new user, they will be sent an email invitation and automatically linked to your account once they complete the registration process. Once they have signed up, you will need to configure their User Access settings found on the main User Maintenance page before they will have access to any data or functions.

All users settings can be configured individually as required.

Users are able to edit the own personal information at any time on the Accounts page.

Example Page
User Example Page
gateway and Network Integration

Step 4.

Create and configure Notification groups

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Have invited relevant all to register with Telemetry2U - as described above in Step 3.
  2. Confirmed all users alert email address and phone numbers have been entered correctly - alert phone numbers must be entered in international format.

Create as many notification groups as required on the Notifications Group Maintenance page. Users can receive various notifications (E-mail, SMS or voice calls) that are triggered from either alert conditions or gateway/node loss of contact events. The types of notifications as well as the time the notifications are sent can be configured individually for each user within each group. Use the Members link to configure the notification groups user settings.

Once you have configured your notification groups, you may want to go back to the Node Maintenance and Gateway Maintenance pages and set up the loss of contact notifications.

Example Page
Notification Group Example Page

Step 5.

Create action groups that can be triggered by alerts

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Have added nodes to Telemetry2U.

Actions Groups consist of one or more downlink commands that are sent to nodes/end-devices (in order) when triggered to do so from an alert condition within an alert group. Create an action group on the Action Maintenance page. This offers a level of automation.

Action groups can also be triggered on a date /time basis by setting up a job on the Scheduled Actions page. You must first have your notification groups set up as described in Step 4.

Example Page
Actions Group Example Page

Step 6.

Create and configure alert groups

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Have added all the nodes to Telemetry2U that you want to attach alerts to.
  2. Have configured your users and Notifications Groups as described in steps 3 and 4.
  3. You must first configure any Actions that you want to attach to an alert condition.

Once you create an Alert Group on the Alert Maintenance page, you will be able to add your nodes to the group and apply a range of alert conditions to its sensor inputs. You can add the same node multiple times if it has more than one sensor. Alerts can trigger notifications (to Notifications Groups) and /or Actions, both when a condition in met and when it recovers, you just need to select which notification groups you want triggered.

You can also configure the time range that an alert group is active.

Example Page
Alert Group Example Page

Step 7.

Create and configure Audit Reports

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Have added nodes to Telemetry2U that you want included in audit reports.

Navigate to the Audit Report Maintenance page to create customised audit reports that can be downloaded in PDF format by users on the Audit Page (assuming the user(s) have access to all nodes within the report). Once you create a new Audit report, add nodes to the list, select the sensor inputs of interest and set the high and low limits. This will place limit lines on the audit reports charts. The limit lines will also be visible on the main charts page.

As well as being available to download, Audit reports can be emailed out to your users automatically and any frequency by setting up a job on the Schedule Audit Report page.

Example Page
Audit Report Example Page

Step 8.

Customise and share real-time dashboards

Minimum Requirements:
  1. Have added nodes to Telemetry2U on the Node Maintenance page.
  2. All users have their access configured appropriately on the User Maintenance page.

Now that you have you account configures, you can navigate to the Dashboard page and create real-time dashboards for your sensors. Create a new dashboard with the button and then hit the Editing On button at the top of the page to bring up the widget menu. Click on a widget from the menu to add it to the screen and then double click the widget to assign it a sensor and configure its settings. Widgets can be dragged around as resized as required. Drag any widget over the Delete button to remove it.

If you check the Company Wide box, the dashboard will be available to all users linked to your account, but they will not be able to edit the dashboard. Alternatively, you can Copy a Dashboard to any user. Users will be able to edit the dashboard If they have Dashboard Editing turned on in their User Access settings.

Example Page
Create Custom Dashboard