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2.1 - Viewing Dashboards

2.1 - Viewing Dashboards

Dashboards provide a quick and clear way to view the most recent data from your nodes’ sensor inputs and see the current alarm status. The Dashboard page is made available to all users from the main menu, but only users with the 'Edit Dashboard' permission granted in the User Access section will be able to make any changes to their dashboards.

Users with the correct permissions are able to completely configure their dashboard layout through the use of the Dashboard Control Panels described in the sections below.

You can add various types of responsive widgets from the Widget Control Panel and link them to sensor inputs, as well as create button shortcuts to control node settings and outputs. It is possible to have many dashboards that can be selected for display from the 'Dashboard Name' dropdown box.

Widget Alert

The dashboard widgets are linked to the nodes’ alarm status so that the alarms can be easily identified from the main dashboard screen. When a node’s sensor input is in an alert condition, all of the widgets attached to that node will be displayed with a red border around them. You can click on any widget, when not in Editing mode, to open up the charts page for that node in either state.

2.2 - Building Dashboards

2.2 - Widget Menu

If the 'Edit Dashboard' permission has been granted in the User Access section, the user will have access to the main dashboard control bar where they are able to create, edit or delete dashboards in their own profile. These dashboards will be unique to them.

If the 'Edit Dashboard' permission has not been granted for a user, the company Administrator will have to copy dashboards from their own account before the user will see anything on this page.

Map Icon

Before a dashboard can be modified, you must first click the 'Editing On' button from the main dashboard control bar. This will pop up the Dashboard Widget Control Panel in the right corner as described in section 2.3. It will also unlock the three options in the Main Dashboard Control Panel explained below.

Map Icon

Click on this Icon to add a new dashboard to your account. You will need to give the dashboard a name before it will appear in your dashboard list. You can modify your dashboard’s layout by adding custom widgets to display the data from your nodes in an easy-to-read format.

Map Icon

This button will allow you to rename a dashboard linked to your account. Before you can rename a dashboard, you must first have it selected to view and turn editing ‘On’.

Map Icon

Click on this button to delete the dashboard that you are currently viewing. Be careful: you will be asked to confirm the command as you will not be able to recover your dashboard once deleted.

Map Icon

It is important that once you have finished making any changes to your dashboard that you hit the ‘Save’ button in the Widget Control Panel. After you hit ‘Save’, you should see a message in the top right corner of the screen confirming that the save was successful. If the save button is not hit before the page is refreshed, all changes to your dashboard will be lost.

Map Icon

The remove button is also found in the Widget Control Panel and can be used to remove an individual widget from the dashboard. The best way to do this is to use the Resize Arrow resize arrow to make the widget as small as possible. Then click and hold on the center of the widget before dragging it into the center of the 'Delete Icon'.

2.3 - Dashboard Widgets

2.2 - Widget Menu

The 'Widget Menu' is found in the top right corner of the Dashboard page. You can add a widget to the main page by clicking it from the menu. Once a widget is on the main page, you can adjust its size with the Resize Arrow 'resize' arrow in the bottom right corner and change its position by dragging it around the page.

Double click the Widget from the main page to edit its parameters. For all widgets, you must first pick the 'Node' and then the 'Input' from the drop down boxes. The other parameters for each widget vary and are explained below.

It is important that you save you dashboard layout with the Save Button'Save' button after you make any changes. You can also delete any widget by dragging the widget over the Save Button 'Remove' button as described in Section 2.2 above.

Please note: Dashboards and Widgets can be viewed on all devices, but can only be edited from a PC or MAC. This is due to the inability to 'Double-Click' on most smart devices.

Dial Gauge
2.3 - Gauge Widgets

The 'Dial Gauge' is most often used to display a Battery Voltage but can be used to display any sensor input you like. It has the following settings:

  • Gauge Min: The lowest value displayed on the Gauge.
  • Gauge Max: The highest value displayed on the Gauge.
  • Warning Level: Determines at what level the colour will change from red to green or vice versa.
  • Flip Red/Green: Will swap the Red and Green around on the Gauge depending on your sensor type and configuration requirements.
Temperature Gauge
2.3 - Temperature Display Widget

The Temperature Gauge simulates a Mercury Thermometer but can be used for other sensor types such as Humidity, Soil Moisture and more. It has the following settings.

  • Gauge Min: The lowest value displayed on the Gauge.
  • Gauge Max: The highest value displayed on the Gauge.
  • Warning Level: Determines at what level the colour will change from red to green or vice versa.
  • Flip Red/Green Will swap the Red and Green around on the Gauge depending on your sensor type and configuration requirements.
LED Display
2.3 - LED Widget

The LED Gauge is probably the most commonly used widget. It simply shows the sensor’s value, making it useful for just about every type of sensor. It has the following settings.

  • Title: A custom name that will be displayed at the bottom of the widget
  • Colour: Choose the display colour from Red, Green White, Blue, Yellow or Cyan
LED Indicator
2.3 - LED Indicator Widget

The LED indicator is a handy widget that clearly shows a sensor’s value and alarm status with a colour code using three different colours; Red, Green and Blue. It is small to allow you to fit many of these widgets on one dashboard screen. The Sensor value is displayed in the center of the widget with its title displayed beneath. It has the following settings.

  • Title: Will be auto-filled with the sensors most recent value and displayed at the center of the widget.
  • Red From: Determines the lower limit for the colour Red.
  • Red To: Determines the upper limit for the colour Red.
  • Green From: Determines the lower limit for the colour Green.
  • Green To: Determines the upper limit for the colour Green.
  • Blue From: Determines the lower limit for the colour Blue.
  • Blue To: Determines the upper limit for the colour Blue.
2.3 - Button Widget

The button allows you to link a control command to a node. This provides a convenient way to send your nodes commands from the Dashboard rather than the Node Maintenance section. The list of commands available will vary from node to node and on the Device Configuration selected in the Node Maintenance section. It has the following options to choose from.

  • Title: - A custom name that will be displayed at the bottom of the widget.
  • Colour: - Choose the display colour from Red, Green White, Blue, Yellow or Cyan.
Text Box
2.3 - Text Widget

The Text Box allows you to write custom labels that you can drag and resize anywhere on the main dashboard pages. The text size and style can easily be modified - and you can resize the box to fit more characters and lines by dragging on the resize icon.

  • Text: Simply write anything you want in the box. There is no character limit.

2.4 - Copy Dashboard

2.4 - Copy Dashboard

Dashboards can be created under one user’s account and copied to another.

This allows company administrators to optionally turn off dashboard editing to any user and create dashboards on their behalf to simplify general user accounts.

This option is made available by giving the user the 'Company Admin' permission under 'User Access' as explained above in section 6.1.2 User Access

Select the dashboard you want to copy from the ‘Dashboard Name' box, select the user you want to assign the dashboard to from the ‘Person' field and give the dashboard a name in the 'Destination name' field.

Make sure to hit the 'Save' button when complete. The new dashboard will automatically appear in the users account the next time they log in.

2.5 - Sharing a Dashboard with other users

2.5 - Share Dashboard

Back on the main dashboard page, there is an option in the top menu called Company Wide. Having that optioned selected makes that dashboard visible on every user account that’s linked to your company. This option will only be available if your company administrator has given you Edit Dashboard access (refer to section 6.2.3 for more information).

This means that a company administrator can create dashboards to be shared with other users to ensure that all users are looking at the same thing - there is consistency. It is very common for a company administrator to create and share dashboards while turning dashboard editing off for all other users.

Once you check the Company Wide box, the dashboard will be automatically saved and immediately available to all users