Revision History from Aug 09, 2021 to Jul 01, 2022

V1.76 Released 2022-07-01

  • When downloading audit reports give a default download filename that includes name of audit report and current date.
  • Add option to audit reports to include an additional signature page that can be digitally signed.
  • V1.75 Released 2022-06-17

  • When sending voice alerts to other people in a priority group ensure they are set to allow voical calls at that time.
  • V1.74 Released 2022-06-15

  • Added support for defining packet formats and downlink commands for custom devices without current T2U support.
  • Display gateway id (EUI) on gateway status page.
  • When viewing alert history on reports page show type of notification (E-mail / SMS / Voice) along with the recipient
  • V1.73 Released 2022-05-31

  • When adding / editing gateways show UDP port and server address for each network server.
  • V1.72 Released 2022-05-26

  • On charts page when an annotation has been added to an alert show the point as a star and show the annotation text when hovering.
  • V1.71 Released 2022-05-19

  • Added facility to record NATA calibration certificates in database.
  • V1.70 Released 2022-05-07

  • On dashboard allow colour to be specified for numeric displays and text labels.
  • V1.69 Released 2022-05-03

  • Added 'Include Excel extract' to audit reports that sends an attachment in XLSX format with the data from each sensor in a seperate tab.
  • V1.68 Released 2022-04-29

  • Added support for In-Situ RDO PRO-X optical dissolved oxygen probe connected via Robustel M1200 smart industrial IoT gateway (4G or LP-WAN).
  • V1.67 Released 2022-04-23

  • Allow multiple network integrations per company ready for upcoming Modbus over TCP support for remote sensor over 4G and LP-WAN (Cat-M1 and NB-IoT).
  • V1.66 Released 2022-04-21

  • Corrected problem where users without the ability to edit dashboards could not click on elements to view the corresponding chart.
  • V1.65 Released 2022-04-15

  • When processing uplinks received from the Helium decentralized LoRaWAN network ensure the RSSI recorded is the highest among receiving hotspots.
  • V1.64 Released 2022-04-08

  • Added support for Dragino LMDS200 radar distance sensor.
  • V1.63 Released 2022-04-07

  • Added support for Dragino LHT52 LoRaWAN indoor temperature / humidity sensor.
  • V1.62 Released 2022-04-03

  • Added PAYG price calculator to the home page.
  • V1.62 Released 2022-03-30

  • Added The Things Network integration (in beta testing).
  • Added support for Milesight EM-300-ZLD zone leak detector.
  • V1.61 Released 2022-03-13

  • When a company administrator creates a new user account for an e-mail not currently registered automatically send an invite to that user.
  • V1.60 Released 2022-03-06

  • Added Helium network integration (in beta testing).
  • V1.59 Released 2022-03-02

  • Added datalogger support for Dragino LTC2 LoRaWAN thermocouple temperature transmitter.
  • Added "Include CSV extract" option to audit reports that will send a CSV extract of the data as a seperate e-mail attachment.
  • V1.58 Released 2022-02-28

  • When adding new actions, alerts and notification groups once name has been entered automatically redirect to edit details form.
  • V1.57 Released 2022-02-27

  • Allow actions to be scheduled under scheduled jobs so that tasks such as turning relays on and off at specific times can be automated.
  • V1.56 Released 2022-02-24

  • Added dashboard icon to chart and report pages to allow easier nagivation to dashboard on mobile devices.
  • V1.55 Released 2022-02-23

  • Added decoder support for Netvox R718N3 series of solid core and clamp-on LoRaWAN 3-Phase current meters.
  • V1.54 Released 2022-02-22

  • Added support for Milesight WS52x LoRaWAN portable power socket / power monitoring sensor.
  • V1.53 Released 2022-02-21

  • Added view chart data button to reports page to allow faster nagivation to chart for currently selected node
  • Added view table data button to charts page to allow faster nagivation to tabular report for currently selected node
  • When changing end date on reports page stop changing start date to match selected period. That allows easier entry of custom periods and scrolling by period can now be done using << and >> buttons.
  • On audit and alert history reports when showing details of alert e-mail remove the markup for the view charts link that is now included.
  • V1.52 Released 2022-02-20

  • Added technical bulletins to help menu.
  • V1.51 Released 2022-02-16

  • Added "Click to view current chart" hyperlink to alert and recovery e-mail messages.
  • V1.50 Released 2022-02-13

  • On LoRaWAN gateway status page place a yellow background on gateways not seen for over 5 minutes, red if not seen for over an hour or gray if gateway has never connected.
  • V1.49 Released 2022-02-11

  • Added device EUI to columns displayed on node maintenance page.
  • Allow viewing of device join requests on the reports page.
  • On audit reports show annotations beneath each chart.
  • V1.48 Released 2022-02-09

  • Added support for Dragino LSN50v2-D20 temperature sensor.
  • V1.47 Released 2022-01-28

  • Add ✵ symbol next to required fields when adding users, nodes, gateways etc.
  • V1.46 Released 2022-01-24

  • Allow LoRAWAN gateway network server to be changed without deleting and re-adding the gateway.
  • V1.45 Released 2022-01-21

  • Added << and >> buttons to charts page to move back and forward by selected interval.
  • On charts page do not refresh page on change of end date that was causing problem with manually typing date.
  • V1.44 Released 2022-01-20

  • Added additional device profiles for AS923-2, AS923-3, AS923-4, CN470, CN779, EU433, EU868, IN865, KR920, RU864 and US915.
  • Resolve issue moving devices between different device profiles.
  • V1.43 Released 2022-01-19

  • Allow current subscription information to be viewed under Account menu.
  • V1.42 Released 2022-01-16

  • Allow all users to update their own preferences and alert e-mail / phone number details under Account | Profile menu.
  • When a new user registers allow them to fill in their own profile information and then provide instructions on getting access to devices.
  • V1.41 Released 2022-01-14

  • Added view password "eye" button during registration and login for easier entry of complex passwords on portable devices and smart TVs.
  • V1.40 Released 2021-12-30

  • Added Last Rx Time input field to numeric dashboard widgets. Displays only local time if data was received today otherwise also includes month and day.
  • Require entry of phone number when registering new account.
  • V1.39 Released 2021-12-16

  • Added ability to create company wide dashboards so that everyone within the company can view them.
  • V1.38 Released 2021-10-29

  • Added support for Netvox R718A Temperature and Humidity Sensor for Low Temperature Environments.
  • V1.37 Released 2021-10-07

  • Added option to audit reports to show detailed table of all data received at end of report.
  • V1.36 Released 2021-10-02

  • On node input labels page allow inputs to be hidden and sort order of columns to be specified for reports and charts.
  • Sort node inputs on reports page by sort order instead of alphabetically (ordering now the same as charts page).
  • V1.35 Released 2021-09-28

  • Allow vertical alignment to be specified for text elements on dashboards.
  • V1.34 Released 2021-09-24

  • Add support for Netvox RB11E Wireless Occupancy, Temperature and Light Sensor.
  • V1.33 Released 2021-09-23

  • Add last receive time to bottom summary area of charts.
  • Allow authorized users to view LoRaWAN raw data received and view gateway status.
  • V1.32 Released 2021-09-20

  • Allow model number, serial number, asset number and location to be recorded for each node and display on audit report if not blank.
  • V1.31 Released 2021-09-17

  • When dashboard guage difference between min/max values isn't divisible by ten display tick values with one decimal place of precision.
  • V1.30 Released 2021-08-18

  • Added support for performing actions in response to an alert. Can be used for triggering an on-premises alarm system or activating local audible / visual alarms.
  • V1.29 Released 2021-08-10

  • In progressive web application (PWA) use network first before falling back to cache so latest version of web application is displayed without re-installing.
  • V1.28 Released 2021-08-09

  • Added support for over-the-air calibration of Dragino LSPH01 soil pH sensor. Requires pH buffer solutions of 4.00, 6.86 and 9.18.

  • View Earlier Versions View Later Versions